JSter #78: News of September 2016 - Part 1
Peace and JavaScript to everyone
Things have been progressing quite nicely. I put a lot of effort into pushing my static site generator further, but I'll get back to that later once I have something tidy to show. I also wrote a small interview about my table component for React so you can get the core ideas easily.
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/yoshuawuyts/choo }}
- Angular 2.0 Final
- BunnyJS - Browser ES6 Framework
- NX Framework - A next generation JavaScript framework
- Polymer 2.0 Preview
- choo - Sturdy frontend framework
- Verbal Expressions - RegExp for Busy People
- uWebSockets - Highly scalable WebSocket server library
- pageAccelerator - A very light solution to load web pages faster
- Stream.js - Object Streaming Pipeline for JavaScript
- tracking.js - A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
- Grade.js - Generate complementary gradients based on image data
- sindresorhus/screenfull.js - Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API
- Text Mask - Conform user input to a string mask
- Grumbles.js - Detect when your users are upset
- Granim.js - Create fluid and interactive gradients animations (10k)
- How Developers use Node.js
- Why Ramda?
- Mobile Application UI: 6 Definitive Trends in 2016
- 10 reasons why you should give Elm a try
- JavaScript Frameworks: Distribution Channels for Good Ideas
- FlyWeb – Pure Web Cross-Device Interaction
- Marxist JS - The classless JavaScript manifesto
- cube composer - Learn composition through a game
- BabylonJS - A complete framework for building 3D games
- ESBench - Benchmarking for ES2015 Code
- Introducing debugger.html
- byteclubfr/prez - Generate Reveal.js slideshows from a set of markdowns
- mcsoto/LogicJS - Logic programming for JavaScript
- Unexpected - The extensible BDD assertion toolkit
- JerryScript - JavaScript engine for Internet of Things
- Tachyons - CSS Toolkit