JSter #81: News of October 2016 - Part 2
If you can think of a common word, there's a npm package for it
Busy days. To prepare for the future, I compiled my presentations to a site. Check it out for slides on React, webpack, and more.
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/nosir/obelisk.js }}
- vivus.js - Bring your SVGs to life
- obelisk.js - JavaScript library for building pixel isometric graphics with HTML5 canvas
- Talisman - A straightforward and modular NLP, machine learning and fuzzy matching library for JavaScript
- GraphicsJS - A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology
- ZeroClipboard v2.x
- Waypoints - Trigger a function when you scroll to an element
- Minigrid - Minimal 2kb zero dependency cascading grid layout without pain
- nanobar.js - Very lightweight progress bars. (699 gzipped bytes of vanilla js)
- Weex - A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
- A Javascript journey with only six characters
- Parsing JSON is a Minefield
- Choosing GraphQL to build Drift’s messaging platform
- Node.js, TC-39, and Modules
- Sustaining webpack for the future: Part 2
- JavaScript projects regroup under a new foundation - JS Foundation
- Stop using
in JavaScript, we have better solution - Using clustering to create a new D3.js color scale
- Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules
- How to be* a compiler
- Run Express server in your browser
- Safer, more predictable
publishing withpublish-diff
- Stub Dependencies in Node Without Proxyquire
- Reactive Animations with CSS Variables by David Khourshid
- V8 JavaScript Engine: WebAssembly Browser Preview
- What’s new in IndexedDB 2.0?
- Do you need Service Worker in your web app?
- Functional frontend architecture
- Almin.js - Flux/CQRS patterns for JavaScript application.
- RE:DOM - Tiny but Super Fast DOM Library - Interview with Juha Lindstedt
- Glamor - Inline CSS for React et al - Interview with Sunil Pai
- BackstopJS - Catch CSS curve balls
- CSS icons
- siege - HTTP benchmark your site
- npm v4.0.0
- benoror/better-npm-run - Better NPM scripts runner
- RainbowHunt - Rain demo
- purag/archsim - A JavaScript processor simulator to design and execute any assembly language architecture