JSter #80: News of October 2016 - Part 1
If you can think of a JavaScript package name, it likely exists already
Two weeks have gone again. I released a new major version of my table component for React. The tree API has solidified and there are also a few goodies in store.
webpack has been accepted as a part of the Open Collective. This means it's possible for individuals and companies to support the project now. You can read more about the scheme at the related blog post.
webpack 2 documentation effort is going to the right direction as well and the documentation MVP is nearing completion.
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/bredele/vomit }}
- iconate.js - Transform your icons with trendy animations
- Tesseract.js - Pure Javascript port of the popular Tesseract OCR engine
- bredele/vomit - Disgustingly powerful and easy library for building user interfaces
- bcherny/json-schema-to-typescript - Compile JSON Schema to TypeScript
- thejameskyle/pretty-format - Stringify any JavaScript value
- SphinxJS - A very light JS library which could encode a string to an image, or decode an image to a string
- InversifyJS - A powerful IoC container for JavaScript apps powered by TypeScript
- laurisvan/request-promise-lite - Lightweight, promiseful http/https request client
- dva - React and Redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework
- Adonis - MVC Framework for NodeJs to write webapps with less code
- Popularity of JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries
- What, Exactly, Makes Something A Progressive Web App?
- JavaScript guessing game - Guess the library/framework
- Yarn - A new JavaScript package manager by Facebook
- googlechrome/lighthouse - Auditing and performance metrics for Progressive Web Apps
- PM2 v2 - Supervisor for Node.js
- Introducing NodeJS-Dashboard
- csstree - Fast detailed CSS parser with syntax validation
- nolanlawson/optimize-js - Optimize a JavaScript file for faster initial load by wrapping eagerly-invoked functions
- BDSM - Badass Server Mocks
- Introducing kyt - Web application configuration toolkit by New York Times
- danvk/source-map-explorer - Analyze and debug space usage through source maps
- SpinThatShit - A set of SCSS mixins for single element loaders and spinners