JSter #83: News of November 2016 - Part 2
JavaScript framework a day keeps the doctor away
It was another busy two weeks. There were two highlights. I released Reactabular 8. I did some major restructuring there to make it easier to grow the project in the future. webpack-merge reached version 1.0 as I consider it stable now. I also wrote webpack-merge related interview that explains the idea better.
We are running React Indie Bundle again this year. So if you want to pick up content on React, check it out.
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/aaronshaf/shaf-chart }}
- shaf-chart - Convert tables to charts
- Smoothie Charts - A JavaScript Charting Library for Streaming Data
- Svelte - The magical disappearing UI framework
- An Introduction Into Lenses In JavaScript
- A quick tour of JavaScript primitives
- An Intro to Monkey Testing with Gremlins.js
- doiuse...? - Figure out in which browsers your CSS breaks
- React Style Guide - Live examples for your React components
- testcafe - Automated browser testing for the modern web development stack
- cramforce/splittable - Module bundler with support for code splitting, ES6 & CommonJS modules
- GoogleChrome/sw-precache - A node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources so they work offline
- X-ray - A chrome plugin for aligning objects to a grid
- DragonsInn/fontgen-loader - Automated webfont generation from SVG icons for webpack