JSter #22: News of May 2014 - Part 1
JavaScript - The joke's on you.
{{ screenshot: http://quilljs.com/ }}
- Quill - WYSIWYG editor with plugin architecture
- Eight Bit Color Picker
- jquery.adaptive-backgrounds.js - A jQuery plugin for extracting dominant colors from images and applying it to its parent
{{ screenshot: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2014/05/how-fast-is-pdf-js/ }}
- How Fast is PDF.js?
- 30 Best JavaScript Tools of 2014
- GitHub language trends and the fragmenting landscape
- Why you might not need MVC with React.js
{{ screenshot: http://strongloop.com/strongblog/how-to-generators-node-js-yield-use-cases/ }}
- Understanding Directory References in Node.js
- 10 Steps to Node.js Nirvana in Production
- Generators in Node.js: Common Misconceptions and Three Good Use Cases
- Creating type-safe properties with ECMAScript 6 proxies
- Improving JavaScript Performance
{{ screenshot: http://blog.codeship.io/2014/05/07/nodejs-beginners-guide.html }}
- The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Node.js
- HTML5 Video Programming Complete Guide
- Building large apps with AngularJS
{{ screenshot: http://jonathancreamer.com/an-angular-event-bus-with-postal-js/ }}
- Optimization Killers
- JavaScript doesn't tell you the Date object is bad, here's how to figure that out before crashing your program
- DevTools Tips and Tricks
- 3D rotator using jQuery
- An Angular.js event bus with postal.js
- Breaking Bad (Loops in JavaScript Libraries)
{{ screenshot: https://speakerdeck.com/amasad/javascript-debugging }}
{{ screenshot: http://flippinawesome.org/2014/05/05/slush-a-better-web-app-scaffolding-tool/ }}