JSter #72: News of June 2016 - Part 1
New day, new JavaScript library to learn.
It has been another busy two weeks. The culmination point of that was a new release of my Webpack book. I also participated in a Webpack themed JavaScript Air and Three Devs and a Maybe podcast (Webpack again).
{{ screenshot: https://blog.jquery.com/2016/06/09/jquery-3-0-final-released/ }}
- jQuery 3.0 Final Released!
- chroma.js - A tiny library for dealing with colors
- Power Assert - Descriptive assertion messages through the standard assert interface
- Rellax.js - Lightweight parallax scrolling library for desktop browsers
- scour.js - Traverse objects and arrays immutably
- Microlight.js - A light code highlighting library
- anypixel.js - Create and control unusual displays with JavaScript
- SurviveJS - npms.io interview - A new service for discovering npm packages
- SurviveJS - Mikey interview - A powerful CLI for generating React/Redux projects
- ALM Tools for TypeScript - An IDE just for TypeScript
- npm has gained notification hooks
- Drape - Cloth simulator
- WebGL Sketches for inspiration