JSter #25: News of June 2014 - Part 2
Summer of JavaScript
{{ screenshot: http://getspringy.com/ }}
- codemix/fast.js
- string.js
- D4 - D3 evolved.
- Springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm
- Collections for JavaScript
- min - Tiny CSS framework
- Octicons
{{ screenshot: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/06/mozilla-puts-a-development-environment-into-the-browser-with-webide/ }}
- Mozilla puts a development environment into the browser with WebIDE
- Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong!
- Why Ramda? - Why underscore is so oldskool?
- weaning yourself off jquery
{{ screenshot: http://bocoup.com/weblog/building-command-line-tools-in-node-with-liftoff/ }}
- Building Command Line Tools in Node with Liftoff
- Controlling the Canvas with JavaScript Objects by Rachel Smith on CodePen
- Make Your Own AngularJS, Part 1: Scopes And Digest
{{ screenshot: http://kiro.me/blog/typeof_nan.html }}
- The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
- NaN and typeof
- Introducing the Web Audio Editor in Firefox Developer Tools
- substack/browserify-handbook
{{ screenshot: http://fr.umio.us/favoring-curry/ }}
{{ screenshot: https://developers.google.com/web/starter-kit/ }}
- World Cup...in JSON
- Web Starter Kit
- wavepot - The audio editor you have been missing.
- ki - A lisp for your JavaScript
- m59peacemaker/JavaScript.HardcoreMode
{{ screenshot: http://pattle.github.io/simpsons-in-css/ }}