JSter #50: News of July 2015 - Part 1
You know it's a JavaScript project when half of the files at project root are dotfiles
As SurviveJS has begun to gain some steam behind it I've set up a blog and a mailing list for it. Now the focus is on bumping up the quality of the current Webpack and React related book and going for a bigger release. So if you are interested in these topics, consider signing up.
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- Cycle.js - A fully reactive JavaScript framework for Human-Computer Interaction
- Toolbar.js - A jQuery plugin that creates tooltip style toolbars
- Dynamics.js - Create physics-based animations
- Transducers.js - A JavaScript Library for Transformation of Data
- Boron - Nice looking modals for React
- rtfeldman/seamless-immutable - Immutable, backwards compatible data structures for normal Arrays and Objects
- js.org - 10k most popular JavaScript projects on GitHub
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- Introducing Incremental DOM - Google's turn to push the web forward.
- How to Become a Great JavaScript Developer
{{ screenshot: http://rigsomelight.com/2015/06/09/straightforward-live-functional-javascript-building-the-yome-widget.html }}
- Straightforward (Live) Functional JavaScript: Building the Yome Widget
- React Lessons - Interactive React lessons
- Crafting a 3D React Carousel
- ES6 In Depth: Collections
- ES6 In Depth: Symbols
- Setting Up a Simple Isomorphic React app
- A Guide to React.js Tools and Libraries
- Understanding npm - Amazing visualization about npm
- ericdouglas/ES6-Learning - If you need to a list of ES6 resources to go through look no further
- kolodny/exercises - Basic JavaScript coding challenges and interview questions
- coodict/javascript-in-one-pic - Learn JavaScript in one picture
- For the Badge - If you need a badge, might as well pick one from here
- The Difference Between Throttling and Debouncing
- bling dot js - I.e. how to get most of the power of jQuery without jQuery
- haydenbleasel/favicons - Favicon generator for Node.js
- symdiff - symdiff helps you to figure out which style definitions to remove from your project
- MetaES - JavaScript interpreter implemented in JavaScript. The world is complete now.
- 7 Tools for Hassle Free JavaScript Development
- facebook/graphql - Time to go RESTless?
- flyjs/fly - New generation build system. Think it as a Koa version of Gulp.
- JavaScript Karplus-Strong - Guitar synthesizer
- Sound of JS - What does your JavaScript sound like?
- codegolf/pac-man - Pacman golfed under 0.5k of JavaScript