JSter #62: News of January 2016 - Part 1
JavaScript Enterprise Edition would come with classes, modules, etc.
My book project, SurviveJS - Webpack and React, reached v2.0 rc2. It might take a release candidate or two and it's ready for wider public I hope. But getting closer!
{{ screenshot: http://blog.jquery.com/2016/01/14/jquery-3-0-beta-released/ }}
- jQuery 3.0 Beta Released
- Lodash 4.0.0 - Bye bye old IE (< 9), more ES6, more modularity, even emojis.
- RxJS 5 beta - Reactive programming!
- timbre.js - Amazing looking sound synthesis library. How come nobody has built a front-end for this?
- Pure Drawer - Pure CSS transition effects for off-canvas views
- The Grammar of Graphics
- How to write a codemod
- Codemods: Path to painless upgrades in Ember
- What's in a Number?
- How do Promises Work?
- JADSDS - A friendly JavaScript based animator
- p2.js soft wheel vehicle tutorial
- Cannon.js - Physics engine