JSter #40: News of February 2015 - Part 1
Framework a day keeps doctor away
{{ screenshot: https://theonion.github.io/comcastifyjs/ }}
- ComcastifyJS by theonion
- Gitlet - Git in JavaScript
- kofrasa/mingo - JavaScript implementation of MongoDB query language
- coderaiser/anyorder - Call function with any order of arguments
- Conditioner.js • Frizz Free, Environment-aware, JavaScript Modules
{{ screenshot: http://www.jasimabasheer.com/posts/on-react.html }}
- React makes the front-end a fully programmable system
- How Google Sees Node.js
- AngularJS' Internals In Depth
- Netflix Likes React
- First Impressions Using React Native
- Arguing for ReactJS
- React and Flux Interview
{{ screenshot: http://javascriptplayground.com/blog/2013/12/es5-getters-setters/ }}
- JavaScript Getters and Setters
- How to build a real-time dashboard of React.js components on top of D3
- Strategies for loading scripts in your HTML page
- Reducing stretch in high-FOV games using barrel distortion
- Maintaining JavaScript Code Quality with ESLint
- Plant a Baobab tree in your flux application
- Node v0.12.0 (Stable)
- Towards isomorphic js packages
- RaveJS/rave - Zero-configuration application bootstrap and development
- wizzard0/js2lua