JSter #37: News of December 2014 - Part 2
Where's my hoverboard?
{{ screenshot: http://www.jsbreakouts.org/ }}
- Breakouts - TodoMVC for JavaScript game engines
- Open-sourcing OvertureJS – the JS lib that powers FastMail
- Moshpits.js - Heavy metal JavaScript
- MikeMcl/decimal.js
- TouchstoneJS - ReactJS powered UI framework for developing beautiful hybrid mobile apps
{{ screenshot: http://www.2ality.com/2014/12/es6-oop.html }}
- ECMAScript 6: new OOP features besides classes
- The Top 5 Mistakes AngularJS Developers Make Part 5: Failing to Test
- You can’t go wrong watching JavaScript talks
- Migrating to AngularJS 2.0
- Automatic semicolon insertion in JavaScript
- The Two Pillars of JavaScript
{{ screenshot: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2014/12/introducing-the-javascript-internationalization-api/ }}
- Manage session using Node.js and Express 4
- Getting Started with JavaScript for Automation on Yosemite
- Introducing the JavaScript Internationalization API
- Introduction to DOM
- The Node Way - Your Guide to Building Beautiful Node.js Applications
- Programming JavaScript Applications
- Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript
- Why we should stop using Grunt & Gulp
- JavaScript Application Architecture On The Road To 2015
- Advanced unit testing tools for Node.js
- slap - Sublimeish terminal based editor
- JSS by Oleg Slobodskoi - Tired of CSS? Try JSS instead.
- GianlucaGuarini/es6-project-starter-kit