JSter #53: News of August 2015 - Part 2
How do you comfort a JavaScript bug? You console it.
The Webpack and React book keeps on progressing at a solid pace. We recently reached 1.7.5 milestone with it. As the book develops, it becomes more accessible. There's also some new content on its way.
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- Typeset.js - an HTML pre-processor for web typography
- responsivelyLazy - Lazy load responsive images
- nodash - Haskell Prelude for JavaScript
- Relay - Flux evolved by Facebook
- Falcor - Netflix's alternative to Relay
{{ screenshot: http://zombiecodekill.com/2015/08/12/the-javascript-paradox/ }}
- The ES6 Conundrum
- The JavaScript Paradox
- Slagging Off JavaScript Frameworks
- ES6 In Depth - The Future
- Reactive React - Interview with Michel Weststrate
- ES6 In Depth - Modules
- Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules
- Flying a drone in your browser with WebBluetooth
- complexity-report - Get complexity metrics for your code
- Depthy - The third dimension viewer