JSter #98: Libraries, techniques, and more
You can't handle the JavaScript!
I managed to complete my second tour of Europe. The third one is near. This time around I'll spend a whole month at Vienna running webpack and React clinics. After that I'll head to ReactNext and WebExpo. Busy months.
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/ladda-js/ladda }}
- pell - The simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies.
- tracking.js - A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web.
- AC-D3 - A JavaScript Library for Building Audiovisual Charts in D3.
- GitHub - JavaScript data fetching layer with caching.
- Form JS Framework - A Classic Form Styling With Ease
- Unleash Your Inner Supercomputer - Or how to handle WebGL and GPGPU.
- Faster Collection Iterators
- JavaScript Optimization Patterns (Part 2)
- Intuition Engineering and the Chrome Heap Profile
- dont-break interview with Gleb Bahmutov
- Rollup interview with Rich Harris
- JSS interview with Oleg Slobodskoi
- renovate interview with Rhys Arkins
- sapegin/jest-cheat-sheet
- Nextein - A static site generator built on top of Next.js.
- Easy Contract Tests with eslint-plugin-graphql
- butternut - Experimental ES6 minifier.
- Why aren’t you using Prettier?