JSter #225: Libraries and more
You're gonna need a bigger JavaScript
Summer is close to over. There's still time to prepare for Winter.
- WebReflection/gist-fs: A daily rate-limited way to have free storage in the wild.
- Cheerio 1.0 Released, Batteries Included
- unjs/nitro: Create, build and deploy universal web servers. The open engine powering Nuxt and open to everyone.
- callstack/reassure: Performance testing companion for React and React Native
- pakastin/nomoji: Replace emojis in text with SVG images
- MDTS - Exceptional Content & Docs with Next.js
- Memory Management in V8, garbage collection and improvements
- Streaming HTML out of order without JavaScript
- From Cypress to Playwright - cost, migration steps, timeline and AI tools
- Async Derivations in Reactivity
- Lexical state updates
- The Sneaky Costs of Scaling Serverless
- A Wild Next.js Bug Chase
- Concurrent React, External Stores, and Tearing