JSter #217: Libraries and more
This is JavaScript!
I've working on a new revision of SurviveJS website based on Gustwind. This type of work is good in testing framework ideas and fixing oversights in the original design and I think the end result will be worth the effort.
- xstate/store Simple event-based state management
- aralroca/diff-dom-streaming - HTML Streaming Over the Wire! 🥳 Diff DOM algorithm with streaming to make only the necessary modifications, insertions and deletions between a DOM node and an HTML stream reader
- openapi-zod-client - From openapi to Zod types
- Reasonable Colors
- Superstate - Typesafe statecharts library
- woltsu/tsynamo: Type-friendly TypeScript DynamoDB query builder!
- ArkType - TypeScript's 1:1 validator, optimized from editor to runtime