JSter #210: Libraries and more
JavaScript doesn't mind cold.
New year, new cold records.
- trekhleb/micrograd-ts: 🤖 A TypeScript version of karpathy/micrograd — a tiny scalar-valued autograd engine and a neural net on top of it
- gregberge/twc: Create reusable React + Tailwind components in one line
- tr1ckydev/webview-bun: Bun bindings for webview, a tiny library for creating web-based desktop GUIs.
- date-fns v3 is available now
- WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas
- Mark's Experience on Modernizing Packages to ESM
- The Future of Native HTML Templating and Data Binding
- Extracting Pokemon Red/Blue Map with JavaScript
- Running 1000 tests in 1s
- Sass in the Browser
- React Server Components: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Announcing React Hydration Overlay - Easily Squash Hydration Errors
- Let’s learn how modern JavaScript frameworks work by building one
- Building an AI powered WebGL experience with Supabase and React Three Fiber