JSter #179: Libraries, articles, and more
The JavaScript must flow
I've been working on the SSR capabilities of Sidewind to prepare for the launch of the next version of jster.net. Let's see if I can get that live before the next mail.
- porsager/postgres - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js and Deno
- capsidjs/capsid - Declarative DOM programming library. Lightweight (1.79 kb)
- phiresky/sql.js-httpvfs - sql.js is a light wrapper around SQLite compiled with EMScripten for use in the browser
- Vanilla - A simple, extensible CSS framework
- robtweed/golgi - Dynamically-loading WebComponent Assembly UI Framework
- mbalabash/sdc-check - Easy-to-use tool to inform you about potential risks in your project dependencies list
- Histoire - Fast stories powered by Vite
- natto - A spatial environment in JavaScript
- Tao of Node
- Alert: peacenotwar module sabotages npm developers in the node-ipc package to protest the invasion of Ukraine
- Native apps faster than Electron using hostbridge build
- Interop 2022: browsers working together to improve the web for developers
- 4Catalyzer/found - Extensible route-based routing for React applications
- Ladle - Develop and test your React stories faster
- How to Upgrade to React 18
- React Sigma - Render graphs with React
- Mantine - A fully featured React components library
- Runtime Data Validation from TypeScript Interfaces
- The selectmenu HTML Tag
- WebGPU - All of the cores, none of the canvas
- Monorepos are changing how teams build software