JSter #159: Libraries, and more
JavaScript, still going strong
I recently updated my webpack book to support webpack 5 initially. Webpack 5 will go out 10th of October so it's a good timing. During this work, I modernized the content heavily.
The second React Finland mini-conference about state management took place a few days ago. The next one will be about design systems and take place 22nd of September.
- alexandprivate/react-blurify - Apply blur effect to children components
- nicojs/typed-inject - Type-safe dependency injection for TypeScript
- davidkpiano/xactor - Actors for the modern web
- hyperhtml - A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative
- artalar/reatom - State manager with a focus of all needs
- kripod/glaze - CSS-in-JS microlibrary for making design systems approachable with React
- Popmotion - The animator's toolbox
- pubkey/rxdb - A realtime Database for JavaScript Applications
- Tauri - Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend
- Alibaba Midway Serverless v1.0
- Comparing state machines: XState vs. Robot
- Records & Tuples for React
- React + Redux + Comlink = Off-main-thread
- Lights and Shadows
- Large Offline Datasets with Apollo Client
- Statecharts.io - Statechart tools to make your code do more, visually
- tooling.report - Which bundler to use and when
- Barebones WebGL in 75 lines of code
- Testing your IndexedDB code with Jest
- How I Dropped 250 KB of Dead CSS Weight with PurgeCSS
- Critical-ish CSS Extraction
- Using Node.js sourcemaps with Node.js and Babel
- How to Use AVIF: The New Next-Gen Image Compression Format
- The polite way of building a javascript util library for any project
- StackTracey - Parses call stacks. Reads sources. Clean & filtered output. Sourcemaps. Node & browsers.
- elderjs - Elder.js is an opinionated static site generator and web framework for Svelte built with SEO in mind
- Snowpack 2.7 - The faster frontend build tool
- Announcing TypeScript 4.0
- vite - Native-ESM powered web dev build tool. It's fast.
- sucrase - Super-fast alternative to Babel for when you can target modern JS runtimes
- ExtendsClass - Tools for developers
- Midway - A Node.js framework for Serverless
- experimental-react-like-framework - A new, experimental frontend for React inspired by SwiftUI. In development.
- dabreegster/abstreet - A traffic simulation game exploring how small changes to roads affect cyclists, transit users, pedestrians, and drivers