JSter #154: Libraries, tools, and more
JavaScript, the programming language where there are multiple truths
It's time for another another montly JSter. Due to the on-going pandemic, we had to postpone React Finland to the next year. We'll be running online events this year to serve our community, though.
- dna.js - An uncomplicated user interface library for building data-driven semantic templates
- React v16.13.0
- jaredpalmer/mutik - A tiny (495B) immutable state management library based on Immer
- Joda - Immutable date and time library for javascript
- Moon - The minimal & fast library for functional user interfaces
- detect-browser - This is a package that attempts to detect a browser vendor and version (in a semver compatible format) using a navigator useragent in a browser or process.version in Node.
- brahmosjs/brahmos - Super charged JavaScript library with modern React API and native templates
- rsmbl/Resemble.js - Image analysis and comparison
- Why Hasura chose Typescript for the Hasura Console
- ronami/meta-typing - Functions and algorithms implemented purely with TypeScript's type system
- Managing indexed collections with useMutableSource
- Fixed Headers and Jump Links? The Solution is scroll-margin-top
- luruke/browser-2020 - Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️
- Set CSS styles with JavaScript
- Listen to your web pages
- Animated Mesh Lines
- What forces layout/reflow. The comprehensive list.
- Accessibility for Vestibular Disorders: How My Temporary Disability Changed My Perspective
- SSR is not the future of Web Development
- mini-html-webpack-plugin - A new major version with support for TypeScript out of the box has been released
- html-webpack-plugin 4 has been released! - Faster, better
- ryanelian/instapack - All-in-one TypeScript and Sass compiler for web applications! 📦 🚀
- wilddeer/stickyfill - Polyfill for CSS
position: sticky
- evanw/esbuild/ - An extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier
- Eve - Eve is a programming language and IDE based on years of research into building a human-first programming platform
- Supercharge your command line experience: GitHub CLI is now in beta
- suchipi/test-it - Test-It is a test framework that gives you the best of node AND the browser