JSter #151: Libraries and more
2020 is the year of JavaScript on desktop
2020 is shaping up to be yet another year of JavaScript. React Finland (25-29.05) is almost out of early bird tickets so if you are coming and haven't picked up a ticket yet, it's a good chance to do that.
- Tippy.js - Tippy.js is a highly customizable tooltip and popover library powered by Popper.js
- Sidewind - Like Tailwind but for state
- Availity - Validation for reactstrap
- amplify-js - A declarative JavaScript library for application development using cloud services
- MenuSpy - A JavaScript library to make navigation menus activate the item based on currently in view section.
- etienne-dldc/literal-parser - A small library to parse JavaScript array/object literal
- etienne-dldc/democrat - React, but for state management
- DataLoader v2.0 - Data fetching layer for your application
- alpine - A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup
- neo - The webworkers driven UI framework
- Inertia.js - Build single-page apps, without building an API
- The modern web is becoming an unusable, user-hostile wasteland
- A case for using
in modern JavaScript - The evolution of web design in the 2010s
- How I stopped loving Angular
- You may not need Axios
- One-com/livestyle - NodeJS middleware and binary for setting up a webserver that notifies the browser of CSS updates
- terotests/ts2swagger - Create Swagger API from TypeScript classes
- Introducing Scully: the Angular Static Site Generator
- mikeal/reg - Native ESM Package Manager
- syncpack - Manage multiple package.json files, such as in Lerna Monorepos and Yarn Workspaces
- npm pro - A new offering by npm for individual developers
- cevek/ttypescript - TypeScript tool to use custom transformers in the tsconfig.json
- X3D: Declarative 3D for the Modern Web
- WebGLStudio.js - 3D Development environment for the web
- Squareboat - Growing an IT Business - Interview with Gaurav Gupta
- Replay - Record user behavior and play it back later