JSter #149: Libraries and more
JavaScript is the end and the beginning
Little bird told me that React Finland (26-29.05.2020) and Freezing Edge (01.06.2020) conference tickets come available soon!
- sinclairzx81/zero - 3D graphics rendering pipeline. Implemented in JavaScript. Run in a terminal.
- Cytoscape.js - Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
- leeoniya/uPlot - An exceptionally fast, tiny time series chart
- Introducing MikroORM, TypeScript data-mapper ORM with Identity Map
- lukeed/throttles - A tiny (139B to 204B) utility to regulate the execution rate of your functions
- Chakra UI - Build accessible React apps & websites with speed
- ai/nanoid - Simple and reliable id generator
- JAMStack vs MEAN vs LAMP
- Why Progressive Web Apps Are The Future of Mobile Web [2019 Research]
- The Simplest Way to Load CSS Asynchronously
- Initial thoughts using Fastify
- Code Recipe: How to Reverse an Array in JavaScript
- Using Prefetch and Caching For Better JavaScript Bundle Loading
- Dynamically generating SQL queries using Node.js
- Reducing Motion to Improve Accessibility
- Multi-column manipulation: Every Layout
- Capturing stdout/ stderr in Node.js using Domain module
- Completely CSS: Tabs
- Falco - An Open Source WebPageTest runner
- TinaCMS - Modern CMS that integrates with Gatsby and Next.js
- getify/TypL - The JavaScript Type Linter
- joonhocho/tsdef - TypeScript common pattern shortcut definitions / utility gist library
- piotrwitek/utility-types - Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases
- pelotom/type-zoo - A menagerie of useful type operators for TypeScript
- jawj/mostly-ormless - Ergonomic Postgres from TypeScript
- google/gts - TypeScript style guide, formatter, and linter
- testing-library/cypress-testing-library - Testing library bindings for Cypress
- Deno - TSConf 2019 - Deno is the spiritual successor of Node
- three.js vr - Virtual Reality with three.js
- WebGL Fluid Simulation