JSter #145: Libraries and more
There's no place like JavaScript
It has been a busy month. I had to skip the previous edition of JSter as I was busy with CSSCamp and JSCamp in Barcelona. Now I'm back in action.
- ungap - Pragmatic polyfills
- Fastify v2 is coming to town
- interact.js - JavaScript drag and drop, resizing, and multi-touch gestures for modern browsers (and also IE9+)
- Newton Graph Library - High-level dashboard visualization for architects and stakeholders
- lukeed/classico - A tiny (255B) shim when Element.classList cannot be used~!
- TypeScript + Machine Learning + simplicity = Kalimdor.js
- Splitting.js - CSS Vars for split words & chars! (items, grids, images, too!)
- ScrollOut - ScrollOut detects changes in scroll for reveal, parallax, and CSS Variable effects!
- sadick254/scoped-style - A tiny css-in-js library
- jaredpalmer/after.js - Next.js-like framework for server-rendered React apps built with React Router 4
- GoogleChromeLabs/carlo - Web rendering surface for Node applications
- google/wwwbasic - BASIC language for the web
- TypeScript AST Viewer
- Announcing TypeScript 3.2
- Type holes in TypeScript
- dsherret/ts-morph - TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes
- BrunnerLivio/try - Quickly try out NPM packages inside a container
- xaviervia/which-ramda-function-should-i-use
- release-it - Automate versioning and package publishing
- HTTP Toolkit - Capture, view and debug your Node.js and web JS's HTTP traffic
- webpack-nano - A teensy, squeaky đ¤ clean Webpack CLI
- Secure Coding - Interview with Liran Tal
- JSON Resume - JSON-based standard for resumes