JSter #112: Libraries, the Usual
I'm gonna make him a JavaScript library he can't refuse.
The Spring is coming in Vienna fast. I visited Concat 2018, a web development event held in Salzburg. It was a great conference and I'll go again if I get the chance.
React Finland was sold out. There are still some workshop slots left. One of the major things we did during the process was to re-design the site. Andrey Okonetchnikov wrote a post about redesigning react-finland.fi and I wrote a React Finland case study as well.
- oliviertassinari/i18n-extract - Manage localization with static analysis.
- Swiper - Most modern mobile slider.
- funfix - Functional Programming Library for JavaScript, TypeScript and Flow.
- cantinflas - Tiny mustache-like template engine in ~50 LOC.
- funkia/list
- DoneJS - DoneJS is an open source JavaScript framework that makes it easy to build high performance, real-time web and mobile applications.
- google/bottery - A conversational agent prototyping platform by Google.
- Next.js 5 - Universal Webpack, CSS Imports, Plugins and Zones.
- graphcool/graphql-yoga - Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance and great developer experience.
- headlessCMS - A List of Content Management Systems for JAMstack Sites.
- bfirsh/jsnes - A JavaScript NES emulator.
- GameBeans.io - Web-based game creation tool.
- zeit/pkg - Package your Node.js project into an executable.
- Choosing the right JavaScript testing tool