JSter #111: Libraries, the Usual
Toto, I've a feeling we're not in JavaScript anymore.
React Finland (24-26.4) is getting closer. I've been developing the technology around it and the process has taught me a lot about technologies like GraphQL. I'll likely publish a blog post about my learnings so far.
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/sindresorhus/modern-normalize }}
- sindresorhus/modern-normalize
- neo-async - A faster drop-in replacement for async.
- nact - Nact is Redux but for the server.
- react-functional - Add lifecycle methods to stateless functional components, without the class noise.
- giuseppeg/dss - Deterministic Style Sheets.
- DmitrySoshnikov/regexp-tree - Regular expressions processor in JavaScript.
- 'Hey user, you already see me!!!11' - SVG-based image lazyloading as a matter of enjoyable UX.
- Parket - A state management library inspired by mobx-state-tree - Interview with Leah Ullmann
- substyle - Build Styling Agnostic Components for React - Interview with Jan-Felix Schwarz
- rage8885/OpenSC2K - SimCity 2000 in JavaScript.
- nebrius/request-inspector - A request timing diagnostic tool for Web and Node.js applications.
- Parcel v1.6.0: Zero Config ES6+ and JSX, Node and Electron Targets, Bundle Statistics, and more!