JSter #108: Libraries, Techniques, and more
JavaScript another day.
React Finland (24-26.4.2018 in Helsinki) ticket sales are getting close. Stay tuned!
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/WebReflection/ecma }}
- WebReflection/ecma - The simplest way to load ES modules or bundled fallbacks.
- upup - Kickstarting the Offline First Revolution.
- Font Awesome 5.0 - A new major release of the popular font library.
- mrijk/speculaas - Node implementation of clojure.spec.
- eddyerburgh/avoriaz - A Vue.js testing utility library.
- Actual Input Latency: cross-browser measurement and the Hasal testing framework
- Styling React
- Understanding React Components
- Lazy, composable, and modular JavaScript
- Redux Form - The best way to manage your form state in Redux - Interview with Erik Rasmussen
- Redux Zero - Single Store, No Reducers - Interview with Matheus Lima
- Poi - Delightful web development.
- developit/microbundle - Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules.
- Stencil - The magical, reusable web component generator.
- webpack v4.0.0-alpha.1