JSter #107: Libraries, Articles, and more
JavaScript another day.
I published a new version of my webpack book. While doing this, I published a new book about JavaScript maintenance. You can find both online if you want to have a look.
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/cezarlz/pozition.js }}
- cezarlz/pozition.js - Geolocation Position. Plus Promise.
- Popmotion - The JavaScript motion engine.
- anime.js - Another JavaScript animation engine.
- Citation.js - Convert citations from a format to another.
- react-cosmos - Dev tool for creating reusable React components.
- JedWatson/react-select - A Select control built with and for React.
- sunesimonsen/ukkonen - Ukkonen's Approximate String Matching algorithm.
- The Performance Cost of Server Side Rendered React on Node.js
- Mobdux: Combining the good parts of MobX and Redux – Cameron Fletcher
- Introducing FilterBubbler: A WebExtension built using React/Redux
- JavaScript versus Research Computing - A Brief Guide for Those Who Regret That This Has Become Necessary.
- Unleash Your Inner Supercomputer - Your Guide to GPGPU with WebGL.
- Flow Runtime - A runtime type system for JavaScript with full Flow compatibility - Interview with Charles Pick.
- a-plus-forms - A+ forms. Would use again - Interview with Nikolay Nemshilov.
- Elastic Man - By Adult Swim. It's Morty!