JSter #105: Libraries, Articles, and more
I feel the need - the need for JavaScript!
It has been time to travel for me. The Maintenance book is getting closer, though.
{{ screenshot: https://github.com/MadRabbit/a-plus-forms }}
- MadRabbit/a-plus-forms - A fresh approach for React forms.
- Konva - Canvas library for desktop and mobile applications.
- delvedor/workq - A super tiny work queue.
- mattbierner/akh - Javascript Monad and Monad Transformer Collection
- React Day Berlin - Fully Packed Day of Your Favorite React Content - Interview with Robert Haritonov.
- steelbrain/pundle - A bundler built from the ground up for speed and extensibility.
- Microsoft/napajs) - A multi-threaded JavaScript runtime.
- mikeal/cappadonna - Headless browser testing for tap with coverage reporting.
- TodoCSS - TodoMVC in CSS.
- Sheet - A 188b/253b spreadsheet app in HTML/JS.
- veu/mini-tetris - Tetris in 512b.